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Beneficial Insects
Spotlight: Land-O-Lakes and Microsoft Partnership
Ag History Minute: Predatory Pest Control
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Zoetis Petitions to make Hoof and Mouth Vaccine in US/Burger King Tells a Whopper about Lemon Grass
GDU Update

Spotlight: Autonomous Tile Ferret
Ag History Minute: DDT
You Applied What?: Clethodim
GDU Update

Integrated Pest Management
Spotlight: Alta Seeds Launches Herbicide Tolerant Sorghum
Ag History Minute: Birth of Sustainable Agriculture
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Farmers Fall Short of Corn Planting Forecast/North Dakota still Harvesting 2019 Crops in June
GDU Update

Spotlight: FMC launches FMC Ventures
Ag History Minute: WI Dairy Breakfast History
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Pioneer Launches New Pest ID Tool/Corn Drops to 6 Week Low, Soybeans Sink on Favorable US Weather
GDU Update

Spotlight: Syngenta Group is Launched
Ag History Minute: Dairyman’s Association 1872
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: FFA Chapters Handing Out Dairy Products/Corn Crop Conditions take a Dip

June Dairy Challenge: Cheese Taste Test
Strip Till Study Overview with Derek Potratz of Tilth Research
Dicamba Update
Spotlight: GDUs, where are we now.
Ag History Minute: Dairy Act of 1983
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Outagamie County Still Trying to Hold Animal Exhibits/Many Other County Fairs and Stock Shows Cancel

Xtend Technology is Out, Now What?
Spotlight: Kinze New High Speed Planters
Ag History Minute: Wisconsin Becomes the Dairy State
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Milk Prices Trending Up/State Fair Cancelled
June Dairy Challenge: Chocolate Milk Chug

GDU’s (GDD’s)
Spotlight: Turns 25
Ag History Minute: Ag Exports
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Seed Box Flipping/Production Bottlenecks
You Applied What?: Burndowns

How long should my corn and beans take to come up?
Spotlight: Corteva introduces Brevant seeds in the U.S.
Ag History Minute: National Farmers Union – 1902
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: More U.S. Ag Products Eligible for Export to China/Iowa Select Farms Forced to Euthanize Some of Swine Herd
You Applied What?: Group 8 Herbicides

Seed Depth and Population
Spotlight: Fendt Momentum Planter
Ag History Minute: Wheatland Hop Riot 1913
Cool Beans/That’s Corny: Planting Ahead of Last Year/Murder Hornets
You Applied What?: Group 2 Herbicides

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